A Cool Photography Exercise to Improve Creativity

People who have only taken a few selfies with their phones, or simple photographs with a point and click camera, may not understand how much creativity it takes to become a real photographer. All you need to do is look at classic photographs, from some of the top dogs, like maybe Ansel Adams, to see that creativity abounds when photographers learn to follow their passion, master their equipment and to follow their vision of what a truly great photograph should look like.

But maybe you are at a point where you are just not feeling all the creative. If you have been looking for a way to get those creative juices flowing again, while helping you to master you digital photography equipment at the same time, you are in luck today. We have a quick photography tutorial/exercise that will help you to improve creativity and help you on your way to master the composition of your photographs.


When you first set out to try this little photography exercise out, you may find it a bit frustrating. With the lens set at 50mm, you may be tempted to zoom in more or to get out one of your other lenses. Resist that temptation! Remember, this exercise is all about helping you to develop your eye for better composition to your photographs. It may be frustrating at first, but you will soon find creative ways to frame your subjects and to ultimately capture some unforgettable photos in the very near future!

Understanding composition is so important when you are trying to capture truly creative photographs. This exercise should help you to take your game to a new level and to spark those creative fires that may have been smothered out in recent months. Before you head out to your next photo shoot, though, please take a moment to click on the Share button to let your friends know about this lesson.

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