Macro Photography How To Tutorial – Abstract Oil & Water
Here is a macro photography how to tutorial on shooting abstract oil and water. It is a very simple project and can be done by beginners as well. This is the perfect indoor project for those rainy days. It does not require much setup and the great thing with this macro photography project is that all the equipment can be found in your house.

Macro Photography How To – Oil and Water

Macro Photography How To – Oil and Water Setup
Macro Photography Equipment Required
- Camera + Lens (Macro or a Zoom – we used a 105mm Nikon Macro Lens)
- Tripod
Other Equipment Required
- Coffee table with glass top *
- Lighting / Table lamp
- Glass dish (shallow)
- A jug of water
- Cooking oil
- A few A4 color papers OR colorful material (eg. Hand towel, table cloth, etc)
* If you do not have a glass top coffee table, you can remove the piece of glass from a photo frame. Each corner of the piece of glass will need to be propped up with books/cans/anything you can find. You could try stacking 2 cans on each corner.
Macro Photography How To Tutorial Steps – Abstract Oil and Water
- Clean glass dish and wipe dry
- Clean the glass on the coffee table and wipe dry OR
- If you are using the piece of glass from a photo frame, clean the glass and then prop each corner of the glass piece with a few books or cans
- Place the glass dish on the glass top of the coffee table / propped up piece of glass
- Place the A4 color papers OR colorful pattern material under the glass top of the coffee table / piece of glass. This will act as the background for your photos
- Place the lighting / table lamp under the glass top of the coffee table / propped up piece of glass. Turn on the light. This is should now light up the background material that you have selected
- Setup tripod over the top of the glass dish
- Mount camera onto the tripod and check that you can see the glass dish and the selected background
- Pour a shallow layer of water into the glass dish
- Add a table spoon or a few drops of cooking oil into the dish
- Disturb the cooking oil until desired effect
- Wait for the water and oil to settle
- Aim and shoot on your camera. Ensure you take the photo with a remote or a timer to reduce camera shake.

Macro Photography How To – Oil and Water

Macro Photography How To – Oil and Water
Hopefully you enjoyed this macro photography how to tutorial. Please leave us a comment and show us some of your own abstract oil and water photos!
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