About Macro Photography Subjects – Spider Identification

Macro Photography – Spider Identification
Macro photography opens our eyes to a whole new world. You would probably agree with us when we say that macro photography is like a life long journey of learning. Not only do you continue to learn more about the macro photography techniques used, but you also develop this curiosity about your photography subjects. You naturally just want to know more about what is it that you are photographing. As you may already know, we are huge advocates of learning about your photography subjects as we believe that this will enrich your overall macro photography experience.
Recently, we received many macro photos of spiders on our Facebook page. As such, we decided that it would be great to provide everyone with some knowledge and skills in spider identification. While we are not experts in this field, we have high regard and respect for the guys over at spiders.us. If you are really interested in spider identification, we highly recommend you to pay a visit to their site at www.spiders.us.
We have provided a small excerpt of their spider identification article below. This will help you to identify some of the spiders by looking at the arrangement of their eyes. As a matter of fact, we actually found this quite fun! It had us flicking through all the spider photos on our page and trying to identify each of the spiders.
Full credit to the spider.us team for the information below (Hint: Match your spider up to one of the ones in the diagram. You can then find out the name of the spider by looking up the corresponding number on the list) –
Spider Identification

Spider Identification source:spiders.us
- Family Lycosidae – the Wolf Spiders
- Family Salticidae – the Jumping Spiders
- Family Salticidae, genus Lyssomanes – the Magnolia Green Jumpers
- Family Araneidae – the Orbweavers
- Family Pisauridae, genus Dolomedes – the Fishing Spiders
- Family Pisauridae, genus Pisaurina – the Nursery Web Spiders
- Family Ctenidae – the Wandering Spiders
- Family Oxyopidae – the Lynx Spiders
- Family Philodromidae – the Running Crab Spiders
- Family Dysderidae – the Woodlouse Hunters
- Family Tetragnathidae, genus Tetragnatha – the Longjawed Orbweavers
- Family Thomisidae, genus Xysticus – the Ground Crab Spiders
- Family Agelenidae, genus Tegenaria – the Funnel Weavers
- Family Agelenidae, genus Agelenopsis – the Grass Spiders (aka Funnel Weavers)
- Family Selenopidae, genus Selenops – the Flatties (aka Crab Spiders)
- Family Sparassidae, genus Heteropoda – the Huntsman (aka Giant Crab Spiders)
- Family Sparassidae, genus Olios – Giant Crab Spiders (aka Huntsman)
- Family Sicariidae, genus Loxosceles – the Brown Spiders (includes the Brown Recluse)
- Family Uloboridae, genus Hyptiotes – the Triangle Weavers
- Family Zoropsidae, species Zoropsis spinimana – the False Wolf Spider
- Family Deinopidae, species Deinopis spinosa – the Net-casting Spider (aka Ogre-faced Spider); note that the four other eyes are not visible from the front.
- Family Diguetidae, genus Diguetia – the Desertshrub Spiders
- Family Antrodiaetidae, genus Antrodiaetus – the Folding-door Spiders (aka Turret Spiders); these are primitive spiders (mygalomorphs).
- Family Segestriidae – the Tube Web Spiders
- Family Scytotidae – the Spitting Spiders
If you had as much fun as us trying to identify all our spider photos, make sure you share this around so that your family and friends can learn all about spider identification too!
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