Cool Tips for Taking Macro Photographs of Snowflakes

We all learn in grade school that every snowflake is different. With all of the billions of snowflakes that fall every year, no two are ever the same. And when you factor in the fact that every, single snowflake really is a miniature work of art, it’s easy to realize why so many macro photographers like to spend their cold, winter days heading outside to take photographs of these unique, little ice crystals.

Have you always wanted to take some great photos of snowflakes, but just aren’t sure how to get started? Afraid those snowflakes will melt before you are able to press the button on your DSLR? If so, today’s video lesson is just what you have been looking for. You’re about to find out how experienced macro photographers such as Don Komarechka take on snowflakes and wind up creating some cool photographs in the process. Don is one of the macro photographers who we highly respect and in recent times, he has established himself as THE macro photographer of snowflake photos. This video interview between Frederick Van Johnson and Don Komarechka will highlight the mindset and the workflow that Don follows when taking amazing macro photos of snowflakes –


It is so cool that we have access to training tools, like Google Hangouts these days. Without these types of videos, we never would have been able to hear Don and Frederick going back and forth, while revealing their top tips and tricks. And Don’s teaching on snowflake photography really is top notch. He has the right approach which is all about keeping the process as simple as possible, without forfeiting the ability to creating memorable snowflake photographs.

In addition to covering snowflake photography, we’re sure that you noticed Don and Frederick touching on quite a few other tips that you may want to incorporate on your next photo shoot. It’s nice to see people who are passionate about macro photography coming together to discuss their favorite techniques and capturing it all on video to share with the rest of the world, isn’t it?

Speaking of sharing. We need you to help us in our mission of spreading great macro photography teaching to people all over the world. You can do your part by clicking on the Share button on this post!

Please support Don Komarechka by visiting his website –

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