Close up photography ideas – Choosing New Subjects

There’s no doubt that some of the very best macro or close up photography ideas of all time have been of bugs, flowers and plants. The outside world is filled with a whole host of potential macro photography subjects to keep the budding photographer busy for many years to come. But what about those times when you want a change of pace? Maybe you can’t get outside, or the cold weather months have come along, leaving you without any bugs or flowers to capture in the backyard. What do you do then?

Today’s video lesson by Mike Moats is going to help to give you some inspiration to choose other macro photography subjects. There’s a whole world of potential subjects right under your nose that you may have never considered photographing before. Just take a look at this lesson and you’re sure to get inspired to photograph some of these fascinating macro photography subjects during your next shoot…

Everyday household items make for amazing macro photography subjects. From the complicated, yet elegant inner workings of a watch, to children’s toys, there really is no limit on how many things you can line up to photograph. As you saw from the video lesson, even a handful of buttons can make for a glorious macro photograph that is sure to impress your viewers.

Now that you have some food for thought in choosing new macro photography subjects, it’s time to get started. Take a quick look around your home or office and you’re sure to find plenty of great items to use to set up some unique and interesting macro photographs.

If you gained even a bit of close up photography ideas / inspiration from this helpful video lesson, please pass it along to other folks by clicking on the Share button on this post.

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