Macro Photography Equipment – Choosing A Tripod
It is important to choose a good tripod to add to your macro photography equipment. A good tripod will last a lifetime and will help you to achieve sharper photos.

It is important to choose a good tripod to add to your macro photography equipment.
When you are capturing your subject with a hand-held camera, any minor movement will be magnified and will likely result in a blurry photo. To ensure a sharp photo is taken, a tripod should be used to reduce any potential movement.
A tripod can be very useful when photographing inanimate objects such as flowers, plants and water droplets. In situations where insects/bugs are involved, you will need to consider the speed of these critters. For fast moving subjects, the tripod may not be suitable as it may be difficult to quickly move into position to capture the perfect moment.
As such, it is also important to ensure that the tripod is lightweight and durable. Look for a tripod that can be easily carried with you on all your exciting adventures and placed into position within moments of using it. For a light tripod, we recommend choosing a professional tripod that is made out of carbon fibre. Definitely have a look at the Manfrotto tripods.
Additionally, if you take photos that are very close to the ground, you will need to choose a tripod that allows the tripod’s legs to bend or fold out so that it can reach the lower grounds.
Hopefully you will keep the above in mind when choosing your next macro photography equipment. Leave us a comment below to let us know why your tripod is the perfect tripod for macro photography.