Macro Photography – Reflections in Water Drops Tutorial

If you are visiting this website – whether it is your first time or you are one of our regular readers – we know that you’ll agree with us when we say that macro photography is a heck of a lot more fun than most people realize. Think about how enjoyable it is to head out on a shoot, only to come home with some amazing shots captured on your DSLR. There’s really nothing like that feeling, now, is there?

If you enjoy taking extreme close-up photographs, but have grown tired of shooting the same old subjects time and time again, then today’s reflections in water drops tutorial is right up your alley. You’re about to learn some tips and techniques that may very well take your macro photography and editing skill set to a whole new level. See what we are so excited about by checking out this video lesson of how to photography a flower reflecting in a drop of water.


If you are relatively new to macro photography you may have assumed that these types of shots were beyond your reach. However, now that you’ve seen just how this experienced macro photographer went about producing such an amazing shot, you are prepared with the information you need to go out and do likewise.

More than anything, though, we hope this killer macro photography tutorial gives you a bit of inspiration and technical knowledge to take this concept and make it your own. See what other subjects you can capture refracted in a drop of water. Chances are if you put this technique to work, you’ll be able to stay quite busy taking unbelievable shots for some time to come.

Don’t forget the importance of sharing your newfound inspiration and skills! Take a second or two to click on the Share button to let other photographers know about this helpful macro photography tutorial.

Interesting reading about water drops –
A Drop of Water – A Book of Science and Wonder

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