How to Become a Good Macro Photographer

Macro Photography Tips To Help You Become a Better Photographer
People often tell us that we need to see the “Big Picture” to really appreciate life. As you may already know, there’s no better way to help you see the big picture than macro photography. By zooming in on small subjects or focusing on the smaller aspects of very large subjects, macro photographers are able to capture some of the most stunning photographs you will ever have the good fortune to see.
However, macro photography is about a whole lot more than simply zooming in on your subject and snapping a quick photograph. We know that some people struggle with becoming good macro photographers. And that’s why today’s post is going to reveal to you some essential tips to keep in mind to take your game to the next level…
Macro Photography Tip #1 – Patience is a Virtue
Every art form, whether it’s music, painting or photography, requires practitioners to exercise patience. This is even truer for people who wish to become skilled macro photographers. When you are shooting photographs of very small subjects, even the smallest light change or movement can quickly change what you thought was going to be the ideal shot. You must learn to be patient as you progress as a macro photographer. Yes, it’s frustrating when you blow a shot. But all of the things that test your patience will be well worth it when you begin to capture amazing photographs that people rave about!
Macro Photography Tip #2 – Change Your Perspective
If people learn anything from macro photography it is that you can’t walk around with the same outlook/perspective that other people have. Over time you will need to learn to see things a bit differently. To a traditional photographer that bug crawling on a weed may not even register as a potential subject for a shoot, but macro photographers learn to open their eyes and their minds to the smaller things in life. You don’t have to obsess over details, but you should learn to broaden your vision a bit to see the hundreds of potential subjects that most people would simply walk past without giving it a second thought.
Macro Photography Tip #3 – Say Goodbye to Auto Focus
The rest of the world may rely on using the auto focus feature on their cameras, but if you’re serious about pursuing macro photography as a hobby or as your passion in life then you must begin to experiment with manually focusing your camera. This may very well be the most difficult technical aspect that you’ll have to learn, but it’s good to start manually focusing on your subjects from day #1. Be prepared to do a lot of practicing to get good at using the manual focus on your camera. But all that practice will pay off when you learn to seamlessly capture photographs that are focused to perfection. And trust us; this really does happen sooner than you might think.
There you have it friends – our top 3 tips to help you get started on the path to becoming a great macro photographer. Of course, we have more tips and tricks to share with you in upcoming posts. In the meantime, though, be sure to get out there; exercising patience, broadening your perspective and manually focusing on all the amazing photography subjects that the rest of the world may not even notice – until they see your upcoming macro photographs, that is…
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