About Macro Photography Subjects – Parts Of A Flower
Let’s get back to basics today and learn about the different parts of a flower. As you may already know, we are huge advocates of learning – this includes developing your knowledge about macro photography as well as learning about the subjects of your photography. Knowing a little about what you are capturing will help to enrich your macro photography experience. Besides… It is fun and it will help you to develop a ‘sense’ of the core areas that you could focus on in your photos. Additionally, if you have young kids, this is often a good way to involve them in your macro photography journey.

Parts of a flower diagram (Credit: Mariana Ruiz)
If you look at the above diagram, you will see that a flower has many different parts. A description for each of the part has been provided by All Family Resources below:
Parts Of A Flower
About Macro Photography Subjects – Parts Of A Flower
1. Stamen
This is the male part of the flower. It is made up of the filament and anther, it is the pollen producing part of the plant. The number of stamen is usually the same as the number of petals.2. Anther
This is the part of the stamen that produces and contains pollen. It is usually on top of a long stalk that looks like a fine hair.3. Filament
This is the fine hair-like stalk that the anther sits on top of.4. Pistil
This is the female part of the flower. It is made up of the stigma, style, and ovary. Each pistil is constructed of one to many rolled leaflike structures.5. Stigma
One of the female parts of the flower. It is the sticky bulb that you see in the center of the flowers, it is the part of the pistil of a flower which receives the pollen grains and on which they germinate.6. Style
Another female part of the flower. This is the long stalk that the stigma sits on top of.7. Ovary
The part of the plant, usually at the bottom of the flower, that has the seeds inside and turns into the fruit that we eat. The ovary contains ovules.8. Ovule
The part of the ovary that becomes the seeds.9. Petal
The colorful, often bright part of the flower. They attract pollinators and are usually the reason why we buy and enjoy flowers.10. Sepal
The parts that look like little green leaves that cover the outside of a flower bud to protect the flower before it opens.
Other Parts Of A Flower
11. Microsprorangium
This is located in the anther and produces microspores
12. Nectary
As the name suggests, this part of the flower is responsible for the production of nectar to attract insects.
13. Pedicel
This is what we know as the flower stalk.
14. Articulation
This describes the space between the two joints.
Have A Go At Identifying The Different Parts Of A Flower Now…

Have a go at identifying the different parts of this Christmas Lily (Credit: JJ Harison)
Did you get all the different parts of the flower right? We hope that you have found this article on ‘Parts of a flower’ interesting. Try looking through all the fan photos submitted on our facebook page (www.facebook.com/seeinginmacro) or even look through your own collection of flower photos and enjoy identifying all the different flower parts! If you learned something new please share this with all your friends and family!
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