What Type of Macro Photographer are you?

What type of macro photographer are you?
Have you ever taken a few moments to consider what type of macro photographer you are? This may sound like a silly question, but it is one that you should spend some time mulling over. You see, just as there are literally thousands of different subjects you can shoot, there are different sub-niches within the macro photography world. You may find that you seamlessly switch from one niche to the other, but it’s still a good idea to take some time to figure out where you feel most comfortable in the macro photography spectrum.
If all of this has you a bit puzzled, you can relax. We have some expert macro photography teaching for you today by John Koerner, in the form of a brief, yet informative, macro photography seminar. Sit back, get yourself something to drink and take a few minutes to learn about the different types of macro photography that you can pursue…
• Casual macro photography
• Scientific or field macro photography
• Artistic/Creative macro photography
And you can divide up these sub-niches even further as you begin to progress. For example, you may find that you enjoy field macro photography, but really only like taking photographs of small reptiles. If that’s your thing – more power to you! Focus your energy and time on pursuing your own, personal macro photography niche, and you’re sure to improve in the weeks, months and years to come. You may even try other types of macro photography out over the years, and that’s great too!
If you know anyone who is thinking about pursuing macro photography, please do them a huge favor by passing this information along to them. You can do that by clicking on the Share button…
Great reading for any macro photographer: